Author: geek

  • How I learnt to love multiple partitions

    I’ve never been a fan of the oldschool linux way of seperating parts of the file system – keeping /home might make sense, but I generally went with a single, large drive. Ironically, on windows, I’ve chosen to go for a non traditional file hierarchy of boot+applications, storage and transient files on seperate drives, and…

  • LED Lights… Making the switch

    We just replaced nearly all the lights here with LED bulbs – turns out that they make drop in replacements for the circular florescent lamps we’ve used for ages, and swapping them out was pretty simple. We went with a company called gopro (yes, its ungooglable) distributed by a local company called song cho –…

  • Trying to work out what this is

    The past term, I’ve been doing Knowledge Management Techniques, and Knowledge and Organizational Learning learning at school. Its been pretty interesting for two reasons. Firstly its the exact same basic ideas, but seen from different viewpoints. KMT is IT based and focuses more heavily on the processes – the *explicit* knowledge side of things, probably…


    Hello World. The blog needs a cooler name, but this will do for now. Theme needs tweaks, some various changes need to be done, but looks like we’re up.